Have you ever wondered what good 'engagement' looks like?

Engaging young people May 2020.png

At StreetWork we think that engagement with young people is a crucial factor to ensuring that they achieve their goals. It's the process of establishing effective working relationships so that there can be a common understanding of goals and a shared commitment to supporting them so the young person realise their goals.

Our youth case workers engage with young people by creating an environment that is conducive to them achieving the change they want. Developing open, honest and positive relationships is the key to success and this can be achieved through:
* productive two way communication
* the young person actively participating in decision making, goal setting and case planning
* promoting trust between the child or young person, family and worker
* genuine contribution and a greater sense of control by the young person

Why not try implementing one of these strategies to improve your engagement with a young person … I'm sure you'll be successful.

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