How to you engage a 'disengaged' young person (YP)?

Engaging young people is the key June 2020.png

First of all we need to determine what does a disengaged young person look like.  Working with disengaged young person is really, really tough.  These are the young person who often don't want to talk, or may seemed bored, withdrawn, openly hostile and apathetic.  With these young person we need to try to offer them something interesting enough that they want to participate in a conversation.

As part of the StreetWork KickStart Mentoring Program our Youth Case Worker use a combination of strategies to engage young people.  This may include forming connections; being active and interactive; being brief without being hurried; assumes the best in every young person they work with; and apply a balanced blend of support and challenge.  Our Youth Case Worker assume the very best in every young person and create opportunities through inspiration and imagination. Do you want to learn more about our theory of change?

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