A young person's message of hope and confidence

The people that volunteer at StreetWork find us at different stages of their life and career. Their personal stories are diverse and they join us for long or short periods of time for a variety of reasons. A strong emotional connection with youth is often at the core of their selfless commitment. For the past month we’ve been working with 16 year old Chloe, a high school student who applied for a work experience placement at StreetWork. “I wanted to experience a work environment where I could make a real difference. It was important to me to use my creative skills to communicate a meaningful message" says Chloe. Here's Chloe's digital design - her expression of the hope, confidence and acceptance a vulnerable young person feels after they enter StreetWork's mentor program. Thank you Chloe for an inspiring 4 weeks. #Turningyounglivesaround together with Chloe #westandforyouth #youthcharity