Today kicks off an important, week-long celebration of Australian Volunteers.


During National Volunteer Week, Streetwork will be sending out its deep appreciation to our team of volunteers who work behind the scenes to help us support some of Sydney's most vulnerable young people.


Volunteers are Change Makers, they are at the heart of most for-purpose organisations and we'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who chooses to donate their time, energy, and skills to Streetwork! We couldn't do what we do without you. You are a power that drives change.


Here's a video link that introduces you to one of our amazing volunteers, Maria Chan, and the role she plays at Streetwork.


#turningyounglivesaround together with our volunteers #thankyouvolunteers #NationalVolunteerweek, #changemakers #westandforyouth #youthcharity #corporatesponsorshipopportunity #breakthecycle #youtheducation #youthmentoring #earlyinterventionandprevention