There's a new incentive to dig deep in support of your favourite charity.

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We've recently heard that the federal government was creating an incentive for philanthropic funds to increased their support for charities.

The Assistant Minister for Charities Zed Seselja announced that public & private ancillary funds can be given a credit if they make total distributions >4% points above the minimum required level. “We know that many Australians are facing hard times, and that the role charities play in supporting those doing it tough is as important as ever,” Seselja said.

Last year, StreetWork 58% of our income was generated from individual & corporate donations. Due to COVID-19, some of our event-based fundraising activities have been postponed, which will also impact our income.

StreetWork's Social Return on Investment (SROI), calculated by PwC, is $16 (social return to community) for every $1 (invested). Put simply:

* $50 donation delivers a $800 community return
* $100 donation delivers a $1,600 community return
* $1,000 donation delivers a $16,000 community return
* $10,000 donation delivers a $160,000 community return
* $100,000 donation delivers a $1,600,000 community return

Take a closer look and make a donation … visit our website