How do you get a corporate to be more than a one-off donor?

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In the past, charities have waited open-handed to receive money from a corporate partner in order to deliver their much needed programs. These types of partnerships have served charities like StreetWork very well over the years, however we're finding that successful corporate partnerships today are increasingly more about how the two sides can work together to bring about a lasting change.

Businesses are operating and listening to their stakeholders to understand the issues that are relevant to them. They are choosing to invest in 'causes' where there is a clear fit. Corporates are looking to uses their resources to make a social difference through mutually beneficial partnerships.

Successful corporate partnerships have 6 essential ingredients:
1. Clear, tangible goals
2. A balanced partnership
3. Diversity
4. Engagement on both sides at the right levels
5. Amazing & committed teams
6. Brand alignment

Mutual benefits is the key to success!!
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